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Curriculum Statement


Our curriculum is guided and inspired by our school mission statement. 

Loving, learning and growing together with Jesus. 

Curriculum information, progression maps and plans can be found under each individual subject or year group page. 


Assessment is continuous and takes place in all areas of school and in a variety of ways, both formative and summative. This ongoing assessment allows us to build a complete picture of a pupil’s development, intellectually, emotionally, socially and physically.

Children in the Foundation Stage are tracked and assessed using the ‘Development Matters’ assessments, where every child is assessed in age related bands against a range of criteria and against the Early Learning Goals within the Early Years Curriculum.

Children in Key Stage 1 are assessed against the National Curriculum and at the end of Year 2 undertake End of Key Stage 1 Tasks and Tests, which are supported by ongoing teacher assessment judgements. During year one and year two, the children will be assessed against Age Related Expectations, known as ARE. You will receive information each term about how well your child is progressing and whether they are on track to achieve Age Related Expectations. Children’s attainment is graded as follows;







Working outside ARE.

Working towards ARE.

On track to achieve ARE.

Working towards above ARE

On track to be above ARE.

On track to be well above ARE.

If you require any further information then please contact us

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