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Terms of Reference

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Premises and Finance Committee – Terms of Reference

  1. To provide guidance and assistance to the Head teacher and governing board in all matters relating to premises and physical resources.
  2. To ensure inspection of the premises and grounds, and prepare a statement of priorities for maintenance and development, taking account of the LA’s Building Condition Survey report.
  3. To approve the costs and arrangements for maintenance, repairs, fittings and furniture, and redecoration within the budget allocation and to oversee the preparation and implementation of building contracts.
  4. To establish and keep under review a Building Development Plan
  5. To monitor the school’s compliance with Health and Safety regula
  6. To monitor, evaluate and review policies relating to pupil health, safety and welfare
  7. To receive and consider audits of the buildings and fabric and recommend remedial action if required.
  8. To ensure any necessary liaison with the Local Authority and Archdiocesan Surveyors
  9. To monitor and review services from external providers and, where necessary, make recommendations
  10. Undertake an annual review of all sources of income received by school to ensure fees and charges remain appropriate
  11. To make recommendations to the Finance Committee on premises-related expenditure
  12. To prepare, implement and review from time to time a lettings and charges policy for the approval of the governing board.
  13. The Head teacher is authorised to incur expenditure on day to day repairs and maintenance, equipment and materials within the approved spending plan.
  14. To establish and keep under review an Accessibility plan.
  15. To monitor and keep under review specific areas of School Development Plan for which the committee has responsibility;
  16. To consider and report back upon matters as may be delegated or devolved to the committee by the Governing Board.

Membership: at least 3 governors plus Head teacher
Quorum: Minimum 3 committee members

Children & Learning Committee Terms of Reference

  1. To consider school performance data and analyse data of the school and groups within the school for pupil attainment and progress and report this to the governing board.
  2. To monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of teaching and learning in delivery of the curriculum and standards.
  3. Through the Head teacher, to monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of SEN provision.
  4. To monitor, evaluate and advise the governing board on standards and school performance and other matters relating to the school’s curriculum, including statutory requirements and the School’s Curriculum Policy.
  5. To monitor the school’s policies in relation to the curriculum and pupil welfare, including safeguarding, behaviour and discipline including the school’s Curriculum Policy and present draft policies for approval by the governing board.
  6. To review the policy and provision for collective worship and for Religious Education and make recommendations.
  7. To monitor, evaluate and review policies relating to social inclusion including Looked After Children and pupils with special educational needs.
  8. To ensure that the school designates a member of staff to be responsible for co-ordinating child protection within the school and for liaising with outside agencies and to receive appropriate training. To draft, monitor and present policy on child protection for approval by the governing board in accordance with statutory requirements and DfES and LA advice and to ensure the policy is communicated to staff and parents.
  9. To consider curricular issues which have implications for Finance and Personnel decisions and to make recommendations to the relevant committees or the governing board.
  10. To monitor the drafting, implementation and evaluation of policies for individual subjects – individual subject policies do not require ratification by the governing board however, the governing board should ensure, through the Head teacher, that policies are drawn up and put into practice in line with the aims, values, ethos and school development plan agreed by the governing board and in accordance with statutory requirements.
  11. To make arrangements for the governing board to be represented at school improvement discussions with the LA and for reports to be received by the governing board.
  12. To oversee arrangements for individual governors to take a leading role in specific areas of provision, e.g. SEN, literacy, numeracy. To receive regular reports from them and advise the governing board.
  13. To have oversight of the development of and to monitor extended school provision.
  14. To be responsible for monitoring and planning transition programme between the Infant and Junior schools

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  1. To ensure that the school fulfils the requirements of the Diocese and of the Foundation, also the statutory requirements placed upon it by the School’s Standard and Framework Act 1998.
  2. To determine offers of places for the annual admissions round in the light of the governors’ admissions policy and within the timescales and procedures of the Authority’s co-ordinated scheme.
  3. To determine offers of places to ‘mid-term’ applicants in the light of the governors’ admissions policy.
  4. To review the governing board’s admissions rules and make any recommendations for change to the whole governing board
  5. To ensure publication of the school’s Admissions Arrangements in the School Prospectus.
  6. To ensure that the consultation process is carried out in accordance with guidance contained in the School Admissions Code of Practice.
  7. To ensure that admission appeals are held according to timescales in the Code of Practice and that appropriate case papers are produced as requested.
  8. To represent the governors at an independent appeal panel hearing, if required.
  9. To monitor pupil attendance and absence rates and pupil exclusion rates and to consider strategies to improve them
  10. To undertake an annual review of the School Prospectus and the Home/ School Agreement
  11. To contribute to the review of the Behaviour and Anti-bullying policies and to make recommendations to the governing board.
  12. The Committee shall, on behalf of the governing board, deal with all cases of fixed term or permanent exclusion, in accordance with the requirements of Statutory Regulations.

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  1. To monitor and keep under review specific areas of the School Development Plan for which the committee has responsibility.
  2. To consider and report back upon matters as may be delegated or devolved to the committee by the governing board.

Membership: at least three governors plus the Head teacher
Quorum: Minimum three committee members

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