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Moral Development Policy

Our Relationships Policy reflects the importance of moral education, the policy helps pupils to acquire knowledge, understanding, intentions, attitudes and behaviour in relation to what is right and wrong. The word ‘moral’ is concerned with fundamental judgements about how we should behave or act and our reasons for such behaviour. It is of the greatest importance that children develop a clear set of rules of conduct, which draw on the basic moral values and which can be applied to everyday situations. These values of forgiveness, freedom, tolerance, respect and relationships are to be lived out in the daily life of the school by the whole school community.


In St. Margaret Mary’s Catholic Infant School we aim to encourage pupils’ moral development at the level of each individual child’s understanding in the following ways:

As they develop a sense of morality, pupils should become more adept at exploring reason in both daily occurrences and in ethical matters.

  • To begin to develop pupils who are more autonomous moral agents.
  • Pupils should begin to acquire value systems, which are personal rather than simply transmitted by others.
  • Pupils should begin to develop beliefs and values.

School Values include Gospel Values:

  • Peace
  • Gentleness
  • Honesty
  • Respect
  • Joy
  • Self-control
  • Forgiveness
  • Faithfulness
  • Love  

School values reject:

  • Bullying.
  • Cheating.
  • Deceit and dishonesty.
  • Cruelty.
  • Irresponsibility.

Through Moral Education, we develop, at the level of the children’s understanding, knowledge of:

  • How communities are organised and the importance of rules and laws.
  • Similarities and differences between individuals, groups and communities.
  • Fairness, justice and moral responsibility.

Cross-curricular Skills

  • Oracy – Arguing a case clearly and concisely.
  • Making choices in the light of available evidence.
  • Working with others.


  • Independence of thought on social and moral issues.
  • Respect for rules and the processes of law and right of others.
  • Respect for different ways of life, beliefs, opinions and ideas.
  • A willingness to respect rational argument and non-violent ways of resolving conflict.
  • A constructive interest in community affairs.
  • An active concern for human rights.
  • An appreciation of the importance of democratic decision-making.

Moral Codes and Values – Pupils should be helped at their own level to:

  • Develop a personal moral code and explore values and beliefs.
  • Develop a concern for others.
  • Develop self-respect and respect values such as hard work, honesty and truthfulness.

Pupils should be given opportunities to:

  • Compare values and beliefs held by themselves and others.
  • Examine evidence, opinions and form conclusions.
  • Discuss differences and resolve conflicts.
  • Discuss and consider solutions to personal, social and moral dilemmas.
  • Appreciate that the distinction between right and wrong is not always straightforward.
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