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Every child will leave our school writing and writing for a range of different audiences and in a range of different genres. They will spell and punctuate their writing well. They will be well prepared for the next stage of their learning in the junior school.


We develop a love of literature through wide spread reading for enjoyment, drawing upon the wider curriculum.  This, in turn, helps build a rich curriculum where intent and implementation leads to the impact and improved outcomes for children.

We achieve this by:

  • Explicit modelling of the reading and writing process
  • Providing extensive time for purposeful reading, writing and speaking & listening experiences
  • Providing opportunities which promote discussion around a shared quality text
  • Providing opportunities for all steps of the writing and Reading process to be taught

Our children are taught to write using a text centred approach based upon, although not strictly following, the Literacy Counts planning.  Although children are taught to write through a range of genres, much of their writing is narrative based. Through this approach, children develop good punctuation, different sentence structures and increasingly creative use of vocabulary.

Handwriting is taught directly and consistently. This is modelled by the teachers and teaching assistants in school. 

Children are encouraged to make ‘phonetically plausible’ attempts at spelling. Phonics is taught daily through ‘Phonics Bug’ and children are expected to make rapid progress. As children progress through school, these attempts become more accurate. Children are expected to spell common exception words correctly.

Children write often and across the curriculum. The same standards in writing is expected and encouraged in all lessons.

  Our ‘Writing Pledge’ helps to ensure consistent practice across our school in each class and in each lesson.

Please see our progression map for more information about how we teach writing in line with the national curriculum; 

If you would like to find out more about how the children continue to learn at the junior school, please follow the link below; 

St Margaret Mary’s Catholic Junior School: English (


Children make rapid progress in their writing and increasing numbers of children reach the expected standard as they progress through school. Children are well prepared for the next stage of their learning in the junior school.


Writing and reading are part of every aspect of your child’s life and, while children do lots of literacy based activities at school (e.g. writing, reading, handwriting, phonics), there are lots of ways that you can support your child at home. This booklet aims to give lots of suggestions and ideas for making writing fun and meaningful at home and improving achievement levels at school.

General Tips and Ideas 

The basis of all good writing is good talk. Writing depends on knowing lots of words and being able to join them together in interesting ways. Good writing has direct links to reading and a range of reading experiences. 

Encourage your child/children to:

  • Explain a game or activity, describe a person, place, picture or thing, retell stories talk about things they have done (e.g. visits, day at school).  Encourage detail in answers or descriptions, predict what might happen next in a story, TV programme or sequel to a film, play or word games.
  • Be a reading model and read to your child (e.g. stories, poems, factual information (such as timetables), magazines, newspaper reports, letters, emails, adverts, instructions).  Discuss the ways authors use words to shape their ideas.
  • Read yourself.  We have books in the school reception that you can borrow.
  • Be a writing model and encourage your child to write alongside you for real purposes, e.g. shopping lists, birthday/Christmas lists, labels, invitations, thank you letters, emails to friends, postcards, cards for relatives, scrap books of holidays/hobbies/special events, diaries, posters for real events, short stories or poems for family members, menus, texting, bedroom or house rules. 
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