Welcome to the Year 2 section of the school website.
Our Year 2 teaching team comprises of:
C1 – Mr Nolan
C2 – Mrs Lawless
C3 – Mrs Moore
C4 – Mrs Hedley
Support staff: Miss Murphy, Mrs Porter, Mrs Harris
Curriculum Overview page
The children in Year 2 follow the National Curriculum as prescribed by the Government. All children are taught the core subjects of English, mathematics and science through discrete, timetabled lessons. These lessons follow the Programmes of Study for Year 2 and expose all children to the specific, statutory requirements. We recognise that all children learn in different ways and that they make progress at their own individual rate and so all work is carefully matched to specific needs and abilities.
English learning is divided into Spoken Language, Reading, Writing and Spelling and Grammar. We follow the curriculum for Year 2 and base learning around quality texts which allow the children to explore a variety of writing genres whilst becoming more familiar with a range of popular stories and poems.
During mathematics lessons there is an increased emphasis upon applying taught skills through problem solving using both practical and written methods. Deeper learning is a key element of this curriculum.
The foundation subjects of art and design, design and technology, geography, history and music are taught through topics which last for a term. In Autumn Term the topic is ‘Can I change the world?’, in Spring Term we explore the ‘What is a home?’ and then in Summer Term, ‘Are we all the same?’ Subject overviews are displayed in the Year 2 entrance corridor.
Computing and physical education are taught through discrete lessons that may be linked to the topic area but are more often skills based. In PE lessons, the children will develop their skills through games, dance and gymnastics.
Useful Websites
Please ensure you monitor what your child accesses online. Unsuitable adverts can pop up from time to time.
Please refer to your child’s login details. Activities and messages are shared on here by your child’s class teacher.
- https://www.youtube.com/@twinklteachesks1429 – Twinkl Teaches KS1 has videos that reinforce what we are teaching in school in a child friendly way.
- Year 2 Home Learning Pack
- https://www.activelearnprimary.co.uk/login – Please refer to your child’s login details and access games set by their teacher.
- www.phonicsplay.co.uk – A website packed with fun ideas and games.
- https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/levels/z3g4d2p – Free access to videos, games and resources
- https://www.oxfordowl.co.uk/ – Advice and support for parents, Educational activities and games and Free eBook library for 3- to 11-year-olds
- https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p007g5y4 – BBC School Radio: Learning resources for primary schools offering video, audio and downloads for Early Years and KS1 covering music, dance, history, collective worship, literacy and maths
- https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/articles/38YbPTpH34460kNGWlz5Pds/lets-get-active – BBC Let’s Get Active: Clips and Videos related to PE and keeping healthy
- https://www.cosmickids.com/ – Yoga and Mindfulness activities for children
- Maths homework grid – Y2 – Maths – useful links to support your child’s learning.
- https://www.youtube.com/@Hopscotchsongs – Educational songs that your child will enjoy.
- https://ictgames.com/ – Interactive maths and English games.
- https://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/hit-the-button – Interactive game to learn number bonds and times tables.