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Who can I contact at school for further information?

SENCO: Miss Julie Hart (Special Educational Needs & Disabilities Co-ordinator)

Acting Headteacher: Mrs Lisa Maddocks

Acting Deputy Headteachers: Aoibhinn O’Callaghan and Stephanie Quigley

SEN Governor: Ms Clare Ferguson

Learning Mentor: Mrs Jackie Harris

School telephone number : 0151 477 8815


At St Margaret Mary’s Catholic Infant School, we strive to be an inclusive school. All teaching is adapted to meet the needs of the children in our care and their families. Every child should enjoy their learning and feel supported and challenged. If you are concerned about your child’s achievement, progress or general well being and development, please speak, in confidence,  to your child’s class teacher or Miss Hart who is our Special Educational Needs Coordinator. Miss Hart is a very experienced SENCo. If you would like to contact Miss Hart please telephone or email the school office.

As a school community, we seek to include all and strive to find ways to ensure that every person, child or adult, is enabled to become the best person they can be.

If your child has identified special educational needs and you would like them to join our school, please contact the school office and apply in the usual way. Details of the admissions procedures, policy and over subscription criteria can be found on this website. Please look under information and in the chapter headed admissions.

Knowsley Borough Council can also offer advice and support regarding SEND.

This offer is accurate now, but services are regularly reviewed and could change. All information will be updated as soon as possible to reflect any new service offer. This service offer is intended to give you clear, accurate and accessible information. If you would like to comment on the content of the offer or make suggestions to improve the information, please contact Knowsley Family Information Service .       

Email:              Call us:  0151 443 3247

It is a one-stop-shop of useful information about services and support for children and young people, from 0-19 years, (up to 25 for disabled young people) and their families or carers.

For details of Knowsley’s Local Authority SEND Local Offer please click on the following link  or call 0151443 3247

Knowsley Local Offer (SEND) | Knowsley Info

For details of Liverpool’s Local Authority SEND Local Offer please click on the following link or call 0800 085 2022

For details of St Helen’s Local Authority SEND Local Offer please click on the following link

Further advice

For further advice, parents can also call:

Parent support group links:

For free impartial advice on any matters relating to SEND contact:

Parent support groups:

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